Welcome to VR Studio!

Paintings are like music melodies, they create rhythm and harmony. It is a symphony, where shapes and sounds gradually convert into each other and became one. Inspiration comes to me  from the play of light, rivers, sky, emotions and gestures- from unique moments of live.

 In Vladimir's eyes painting is also meant "poetic" rendering of his subject. His brush strokes is a source of vitality or implement dramatic lyricism. Special  relation between lines and masses which make it work of art are the creative expression of an emotion.

A devoted oil painter Vladimir Ribatchok ( Рыбачок Владимир Павлович )  resides in Toronto, Canada

Vladimir has been a full-time professional artist for over 45 years, making his home in places as widely diverse as Russia, Finland, USA, working in a constantly growing and expanding succession of media and styles.

Vladimir's work is represented by Westmount Gallery Toronto ON Canada, the Oil Painters of America (OPA) ,   Algonquin Art Centre, Reinert Fine Art Charleston, SC ,    

Matty Vuolanne, Helsinki, Finland.

In recognition his outstanding accomplishment in representational oil paintings, in 2012 Vladimir was awarded the status of SIGNATYRE MEMBER of OPA

His work can be found in Permanent Museum collections in St-Perersburg Russia, Finland and Switzerland and as well in public and private collections in Canada, USA, France, Germany, Australia, Finland and Sweden.